Sports Media LGBT+

Sports Media LGBT+ is a network group for industry professionals and newcomers who are members of the LGBT+ community.

The group also provides consultancy and educational resources for media and is the brainchild of SJA committee member Jon Holmes, who organised an informal meeting of LGBT+ sports media professionals in August 2017 and has never looked back.

The SJA is delighted to be connected to Sports Media LGBT+. The sports journalism industry has finally and belatedly started to make strides in terms of inclusion, and a networking group like this can only further educate and encourage.

As a network, the group aims to provide a space for LGBT+ people and allies working in sports journalism, TV production, public relations and all other sports media-related roles, to connect in person and online, in order to share experiences, advice, content ideas, and other professional support and assistance.

The network also seeks to advocate for athletes, coaches, officials, administrators and all others involved in sport who are LGBT+, by amplifying their voices through media and journalism in order to highlight the benefits of authenticity and inspire others.

Sports Media LGBT+ is committed to tackling instances of homophobia, biphobia and transphobia; and to a fair and accurate representation of LGBT+ people in the media.

If you want to find out more, please drop an email to


Twitter: @SportsMediaLGBT

Instagram: @sportsmedialgbt