The Cricket Writers’ Club was established in 1946 and exists to further the interests of all those who work in the media coverage of cricket, and the interests of cricket itself.
The club is a great focal point for the camaraderie around the cricket media, with the Annual Lunch in early October.
Throughout the year, the club carries out important work liaising with the ECB and the Counties around media facilities at grounds, accreditation, and relations between England men’s and women’s players and the media whilst on tour.
The club plays an integral role in the County Journalism Awards, promotes writing through its annual Book Award, and supports the players through its highly regarded individual men’s and women’s awards, which are presented at the Annual Lunch.
The CWC also puts out a social (slash highly competitive) cricket team each year, arranging matches with touring media or teams from ECB/MCC.
Every full member receives the CWC handbook with permitted contact details for members and County/ECB personnel. The club’s Constitution was updated in 2018 to include a commitment to promoting equality within the game, including the protection of Members from discrimination on the grounds of race, religion, gender, age, disability and sexual orientation.
The CWC welcomes new members from all parts of the cricket media, both from within the British Isles and abroad. At the time of writing (March 2023), the club is supported by JM Finn, LV= Insurance and the Lord’s Taverners, with additional sponsorship opportunities available.
Membership categories include:
- Full Member – those working regularly in the cricket media
- Associate Member – those engaged in working in the game
- Full Senior Member – those who have retired or are no longer employed in covering the game
- Overseas Member – regularly working in the cricket media outside of the British Isles
- Umpire or Scorer Member – those involved in the first-class umpiring list or scoring first-class counties
- Honorary Member – elected by the Committee
- Honorary Life Member – elected at the AGM for distinguished service in the cricket media and to the Club
Twitter: @CricketMediaUK
Instagram: @cricketmediauk
Membership of the Club cannot be used in any way by a Member to secure accreditation, employment, entry to a ground or media facility
Cricket Writers’ Club Committee 2023
President: Mike Selvey (@selvecricket)
Chair: George Dobell (@GeorgeDobell1)
Lead Secretary: Will Macpherson (@willis_macp)
For more information, see the About Us page on the CWC website.
CWC name Alison Mitchell as first woman chair (May 2019)