The 2016 annual meeting of the Sports Journalists’ Association will be held from 1pm on Wednesday, April 20, at the Olde Cock Tavern on Fleet Street.
The meeting, and the post-AGM buffet lunch and reception, is open to all fully paid up members of the Association. This year, the event will be followed by some special presentations.
The main business of the meeting will be to receive an annual report, the annual accounts, appoint auditors and to elect the officers and committee for 2016-2017.
There are no amendments to the SJA constitution recommended by the committee to consider, but motions proposed and seconded by full members and submitted to the secretary in writing no later than seven days before the date of the meeting may be tabled.
Likewise, the SJA is always seeking hard-working volunteers to serve on the committee, and nominations, with proposer and seconder, can also be submitted to the Secretary. It is anticipated that an election for places on the committee will be necessary.
After serving a three-year term as chairman, David Walker is standing down, with Andy Elliott stepping forward to take on the role. Janine Self is to be vice-chair.
Other officers are standing for re-election, namely Sarah Juggins as Treasurer and Steven Downes as Secretary.
A buffet lunch will be provided after the business of the meeting is concluded (although we do ask members to buy their own drinks).
At around 2pm, the officers and committee will make a series of special presentations.
This is an excellent opportunity to socialise, network and meet your committee to discuss the Association’s activities.
- Proposals, or committee nominations need to be made by Wednesday, April 3, by email to , with “Annual meeting proposal” in the subject field, please.
- Any SJA member wishing to attend is also asked to book themselves in (for catering purposes), also by sending an email to the secretary,, with “AGM attendance” in the subject field.
- The SJA is the largest member organisation of sports media professionals in the world. Join us: Click here for more details
- Mon Apr 11: SJA Spring Golf Day, Burhill GC
- Wed May 11: VIP York Race Day, sponsored by Ladbrokes
- Tue Jun 7: Death of a Gentleman screening, Croydon