
Agenda published for Sports Journalists’ Association AGM 2024 on June 6

Park Plaza County Hall in London to host this year’s SJA AGM on Thursday 6 June, starting at 12.30pm; AGM Agenda and Secretary’s message published; SJA members welcome to attend, with virtual option also set to be available; prospective Committee members welcomed

This year’s Annual General Meeting of the Sports Journalists’ Association will be held in London on Thursday 6 June 2024.

The SJA is delighted to invite all members to attend.

The venue will be the Terrace Suite, Park Plaza County Hall, 1 Addington St, London, SE1 7RY. This is only a short walk from Waterloo Station.

The AGM is scheduled to begin at 12.30pm BST so please plan to arrive shortly before.

We hope as many as possible will be able to join us “in person” but in order to make the meeting as accessible as possible, the Association is also hoping to arrange a Zoom link for those wishing to participate that way.

Please advise James Green at Start2Finish so that a link may be sent –

Also, to help with organisation, if you are intending to attend in person on the day, please also drop James an email.

The main business of the AGM will be to receive an annual report and the annual accounts; appoint auditors; and to elect the Officers and Committee for 2024/25.

The meeting will also be asked to formally approve the appointment of our new President.

From the Secretary…

Dear Colleagues,

Please find below the AGM Agenda.

We are also publishing the following proposed minor modifications to the SJA Constitution for your consideration.

The relevant documents will be available at the meeting.

We look forward to welcoming you.

Philip Barker
Hon Secretary for the SJA Committee


  1. Chairman welcome
  2. Apologies for absence
  3. Minutes of last AGM
  4. Chairman’s report
  5. Treasurer’s report
  6. Approval of accounts
  7. Adoption of auditor
  8. Formal adoption of President
  9. Committee recommendations for adjustments to the constitution and guidelines
  10. Questions from the floor
  11. Election of Committee for 2024/25
  12. Any other business

Please note the following:

In line with the current SJA Constitution, motions not already published for inclusion in the agenda were to be proposed and seconded by full members and submitted to the Secretary in writing no later than 7 (seven) days before the date of the meeting.

The SJA welcomes anyone who believes they can contribute to the work of the Association to put themselves forward as a prospective Committee member.

Applicants were asked to advise the Secretary seven days before, submitting a brief biography.

For any late requests, please use the email to propose agenda items or to indicate a willingness to stand.

Please also note – members in all categories are welcome to attend the AGM, but only Full members are entitled to vote in any election.

  • Date: Thursday 6 June 2024
  • Time: 12.30pm BST (please aim to arrive shortly before)
  • Venue: Terrace Suite, Park Plaza County Hall, 1 Addington St, London, SE1 7RY
  • For info on the SJA and more details about the AGM, please see the SJA Constitution

Philip Barker
Hon. Secretary SJA