
Media briefing: UK Sport high performance

From UK Sport

WHAT: UK Sport has set ambitious Olympic and Paralympic medal targets for Rio 2016. This media briefing will provide an update on how UK Sport and its’ sport science, medicine and technology arm, the English Institute of Sport (EIS), aim to help sports achieve these targets.

UK Sport logo (small)It will update on changes to the high performance system for the Rio Cycle and provide details of the strategies and plans that are in place to develop a stronger more sustainable system and improve the quality of support and assistance provided to Olympic and Paralympic Sports in Great Britain.

WHEN: Wednesday 4 December 2013. Please arrive at 11.45am for 12.00 noon start. There will be an opportunity for one to one interviews following the briefing. Lunch will be provided.

WHERE: UK Sport, 40 Bernard Street, London, WC1N 1ST.

WHO: The briefing will be hosted by Liz Nicholl, Chief Executive of UK Sport with contributions from Simon Timson, Director of Performance, UK Sport and Raphael Brandon, Director of Performance Solutions at the English Institute of Sport (EIS).

The panel will also be joined by the National Director of the EIS, Nigel Walker.

To confirm your attendance on the 4 December 2013 or for any specific interview requests, please e-mail, UK Sport Senior Press Officer, Jess Whitehorn:

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