
Frank Keating: funeral arrangements

The funeral of Frank Keating will be on February 7 2013, 12.45 pm, at Belmont Abbey, Ruckhall Lane, Hereford HR2 9RZ.

All friends and colleagues are very welcome.

After requiem mass, there will be a private burial; and refreshments for all at Lyde Arundel, which is across Hereford from the abbey, but there will be plenty of lifts available.

There are trains from Paddington from 7.45am to 8.45am to arrive in good time. It’s about 15min by cab from the station to the abbey. The 8.22 is direct via Worcester but slow; on all other trains, change at Newport. Punctuality is merely an aspiration on the Hereford line, so beware.

If you have any routine queries re arrangements please call Matthew and Hilary Engel 01981 241210 or 07802 500348. Or email Matthew at