
Apply now for the 2020/2021 AIPS Card

AIPS members are reminded that it is now time to renew their subscription and order new two-year cards.

Only members of the Sports Journalists’ Association may join AIPS and receive a press card, which is widely recognised all over Europe.

To join the SJA please click here, if you wish to check your membership status please contact

If you are an SJA member and you wish to join AIPS please follow the below steps:

  1. Apply for card – Click the following link to enter your details. Please ensure you have the 2020/2021 card period selected. Click HERE
  2. Make payment – The card fee is £50. To make payment please click the following link:

Once both of the above steps are completed the 2020/2021 AIPS card will be sent out in early November.

The card will be valid from January 1 2020 to December 31 2021.