
Sporting quotes of the week

Tony Livesey resigned this week as editor in chief of The Sport, in order to take up a new job, presenting the regional sports news for the BBC in the north-west. On announcing his resignation, he told UK Press Gazette:

“One of my proudest moments was when I didn’t quite believe the story ‘Aliens turned our son into a fish finger’. So I told the reporter to go to Asda buy a packet of fish fingers, mix the child in with them and see if the mother could pick it out.”

Good to see rigorous editorial standards being applied at The Sport, the paper whose most famous front page was a “photo exclusive” of a Lancaster bomber on the moon.

The Sport comes in for a mention in dispatches here, but in an entirely different context, from Lawrence Donegan, in yesterday’s Guardian:

A couple of years ago I spent an evening at Chabot Junior college near San Francisco, where [Dwain] Chambers was trying to break into the world of American football after being banned from athletics. It was a bit like finding Martin Amis knocking out news stories for the Daily Sport, with Chambers, who had run 9.87 seconds for the 100 metres, albeit drug-fuelled, working out alongside thin-limbed college kids whose only chance of matching his speed was to hitch a lift in a passing Lotus Elan.

Click here to read more about the context of Donegan’s article.

Elsewhere, the Daily Mail‘s Paul Hayward was getting on someone’s case. It should be self-evident what his topic is:

New head coach, new assistants, new players, new ball, new attitude to friendlies, new void where Beckham used to be and new swathes of empty seats: emblems of understandable apathy in a country where following a Premiership team can cost an arm, a leg and a couple of internal organs.

Mission accomplished. Page turned. But run a mile from anyone who gets carried away. We’ve been there before.

Or as John Terry said:

It was a great result and a great performance. But we have to make sure we carry it on in the same vein.

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