
UEFA warn registered journalists to keep profile up-to-date for delayed Euros

By KEIR RADNEDGE, AIPS Football Commission

European football federation UEFA has assured journalists wanting to cover the Euro 2020 finals that – like the tournament – their applications are being carried over to next year.

One essential point: journalists registered with UEFA must ensure that their profile in the FAME website remains up-to-date. This means uploading current media association credentials such as the AIPS card.

On Tuesday UEFA, after a video conference with all 55 member associations and main stakeholders, took the unprecedented step of shifting the finals back a year to June 11-July 11, 2021.

Journalists registered with UEFA must ensure that their profile in the FAME website remains up to date

Players, managers, officials and fans had largely been expecting the move after the Covid-19 coronavirus crisis largely brought football across the heart of the continent to a standstill.

UEFA has also acted swiftly to reassure journalists that their accreditation status and match booking requests will be frozen as they stand. Once dates for the 20121 staging have been confirmed, journalists and photographers will be notified of the time window for an additional accreditation and media booking period.