Norman Giller is unwell.
The SJA website’s veteran (he’s in his 70s) regular columnist (three years of filing a weekly article, and never once has he missed a deadline, or been paid) had a heart attack on Monday evening. He was working on book No94. Or was it book No95..?
He is now recovering in a south coast hospital. How do we know? Because he sent a message this morning from his hospital bed, via his iDevice, including his copy for this week’s column… Such a trooper.
The column will go online as usual tomorrow.
In the meantime, please post your get-well-soon messages for Norman in the comments section below (it really is very easy – registering is necessary to prevent spam from Russian peddlers of Viagra, and only takes a few seconds). Somehow, you know he’ll find a way to read them all.
Get well soon, Unc. Here’s hoping Spurs dont put you through any further stress
Good morning, Norman. Very best wishes from me and, I’m sure, all your old and not-so-old mates. We can’t wait for the next round of lousy jokes, like the one about battered fish. Come on, you Spurs. Tom Clarke
The lengths to which some people will go to sell books … Get Well Soon, Norman.