
Apply now for the 2012-2013 AIPS card

The AIPS Press Card – essential for accreditation for a range of major sports events, from the Champions League onwards – can now be booked for 2012-2013.

In Great Britain, only fully paid-up members of the Sports Journalists’ Association may obtain AIPS cards.

Orders for the 2012-2013 AIPS card can be made now by clicking here.

All membership enquiries are handled by SJA Membership Secretary Bill Colwill.

To receive your AIPS card, you need to send a cheque for £40, payable to SJA, to
Bill Colwill
31 Chesham Lane
Chalfont St Peter
Gerrards Cross
Bucks SL9 0PG

Cards will be sent to applicants as soon as they are received from AIPS, which may not be until late October.


  • Wed Dec 7: SJA 2011 British Sports Awards – Book a table before oct and SAVE £200. For more details, click here.

All details subject to alteration. Keep checking for updates