Deadline for applications for the NCTJ’s new sports journalism exam, and for acquiring the necessary shorthand qualification, is later this month.
The National Council for the Training of Journalists launched its sports journalism exam last September, offering trainees the chance to achieve “senior” status in sport rather than the traditional news. The first National Certificate Examination for Sports Reporters will be on March 5.
The new qualification mirrors the news NCE and consists of four elements — sports report, sports interview, a logbook of published sports stories and newspaper practice for sports reporters.
Media law questions are still included as part of the newspaper practice exam, plus tests to demonstrate an understanding of accounts, how businesses work and news sense.
Candidates can take the exam if they have at least 18 months of experience and have completed a logbook.
The deadline for applications is January 29 — visit to download an application form. The last date for sitting a shorthand exam to qualify for the March sports NCE is January 22.
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