From BOA
As the National Olympic Committee for Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the British Olympic Association (BOA) will receive its official media accreditation allocation for the London 2012 Olympic Games from the International Olympic Committee (IOC) on Tuesday 27th July.
Shortly thereafter, on Wednesday 4th August, the BOA will formally open the ‘Press by Number’ media accreditation request process for print, online and photographic media organisations based in the UK.
The separate process for non rights-holding broadcasters accreditation is managed by the IOC. The application form will be available in March 2011, on the IOC website
Print, online and photographic media organisations and freelancers will be invited to apply for consideration for accreditation via an online form, which will be distributed by the BOA and available on its website on Wednesday 4th August.
Requests will be considered in the following categories:
E: Journalist
Es: Sport Specific Journalist
EP: Photographer
EPs: Sport Specific Photographer
EC: MPC Support Staff
ET: Technician
Click here for more information on the various categories.
The BOA is also working with the IOC and LOCOG to secure a limited number of Ex and EPx accreditations for local media in the Co-Host cities for football and sailing. Ex and EPx accreditation will give access to a single venue only. More information will follow at a later date.
Applications will be accepted from 4th August until 15th October 2010.
Between 15th October and 31st December 2010 the BOA will work together with the Media Advisory Committee to determine accreditation awards by media organisation. Media organisations will be notified of their allocation in early 2011.
The next stage of the process, the ‘Press by Name’ procedure, will begin in October 2011.
Notes to editors:
Details of the application process will be available on Monday 4th August. Please contact BOA Communications Assistant Laura Meech with any queries: / 02078425723.
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