
SJA subs are now overdue

All Sports Journalists’ Association members’ subscriptions were due on Jan 1, and are now seriously overdue.

Subs cost a modest £30 per year for SJA members based in London and £20 for members elsewhere in the UK, money that is used towards meeting the costs of producing your quarterly SJA Bulletin, postage and maintaining this website.

Some of the many benefits of SJA membership are listed here.

With a special offer from sponsors BT Vision worth at least £50, and discounted tickets for the SJA British Sports Awards to be staged in November, members can swiftly recoup the cost of their subscription.

But if you have not yet paid your 2008 subs, please do so immediately by contacting membership secretary Bill Colwill (click here for details) with a cheque for the required amount – lapsed members will be removed from the mailing list.

And if you complete a bankers’ form now, your subscription will be paid automatically and on time in future.