2008 SJA subscriptions are due from January 1, at the new rates of £30 for London-based members and £20 for those based more than 50 miles outside the capital, and membership secretary Bill Colwill asks that you ensure that any standing order for the payment of your fees is updated, either by completing the form and returning it to Colwill as soon as possible, or by contacting your bank and instructing them to alter the amount.
You will be joined as a member by 12 colleagues, who had their applications accepted by the SJA committee meeting earlier this week.
The SJA extends a warm welcome to the following new members, and we hope to get to meet you and work with you over the coming year:
Neil Boyle, from Blackheath;
Jaz Chaudhry, based in Solihull;
Joe Dent, from Peterborough;
Charlotte Dix, Halesowen;
Vance Duxbury, Cardiff;
Riichard Evans, from St Albans;
Keith Fowler, of Bristol;
Mitchell Gunn, Chingford;
Andrew Hewitt, Staffordshire;
Ian Rushfort, Loughborough;
Rachel Twine, Hitchin;
Matthew Walton, Knutsford, Cheshire.