
Free download of sports research

The latest edition of’s quarterly publication The Sports Market Review is now available to read online, free of charge. The Review usually costs £45.

The sixth edition of the Review is the largest and most comprehensive to date, and the first to give full coverage to three main areas of industry research, news and data: TV and New Media, Sponsorship and Events.

In this issue you will find unique research showcasing the work of’s news and research teams, including: tables listing selected recent TV, new media and sponsorship deals worldwide; tables covering the latest major events bidding awards and the status of the competition to stage events for which bidding is still in progress; and a breakdown of sponsors of the eight IRB Sevens World Series events, highlighting Emirates’ piecemeal approach to sponsoring four of the eight.

Other features include rowing’s Matt Smith on the options for rights-owners faced with the decline of Grandstand-style sports magazine programmes; IMG Media’s Alastair Waddington on the challenges faced by host broadcasters at an unexpectedly wet Asian Games; a summary of the findings of a new survey of the attitude of top European companies to sports sponsorship; and New Zealand Major Events on the value of bidding to host a series of small-scale sports events.

The Sports Market Review also introduces two other new features: a calendar of selected sporting events covering the first quarter of 2007; and a Conferences section, covering forthcoming industry conferences and sports federation congresses.

Click here to download a free pdf version of the Review