
The worst column in the history of mankind?

We have mentioned before Between the Lines, the American sports journalism blog, and the way it often tears to shreds some of the more self-important, mockery-inducing purveyors of our trade in the US. A sort of Pseuds Corner with sports hacks as the stars.

But a recent post looks to surpass all others by claiming to have found the worst column in the history of mankind.

A bold claim, but the blog’s author justifies it thus:

That’s a pretty bold statement at the top. The history of mankind? You’re probably wondering what this column could possibly be about. Well, I won’t beat around the bush: it’s 3800 words from the point of view of a basketball.

To recap, that’s:

1) 3800 words

2) Narrator: a basketball

Where’s this going? Well, there is the thought that maybe, just maybe, there might be a few examples of similarly daft pieces produced on this side of the Atlantic (although 3,800 words by a basketball seems hard to match).

To judge for yourself, check out the original blog entry by clicking here.

And return here to post your comments below about the worst piece of sports hackery you have ever had to endure, whether as a reader or a sub.